Saturday, April 6, 2013

The Magic of the Butterflies

-Red Spotted Purple-10x24"-oil on canvas-

      Two years ago I experienced a magical moment. My family and I went on a day trip to Ceder Falls (a state park south of were I live). While hiking by the creek bed we saw the most spectacular sight. A flutter of swallowtail butterflies were flying about and stopping to drink from the damp rocks near the creek. There were hundreds of butterflies. It seemed like a dream. Naturally I took as many photos as possible, trying to hold on to that feeling, and hoping to capture their dazzling display of beauty.
     So deeply inspired by their performance, I have been working on my butterfly series since that day. To date I have completed 19 butterfly oil paintings. They range in size from 8x10" to 36x48" and display from one to twelve butterflies per painting. Nine of these paintings are now on display for sale at Studio Fovero in German Village Columbus Ohio.
     The Butterflies' spell is still working inside me. I have plans to complete many more swallowtail paintings. Through these images I hope you too feel the magic of the butterflies. 

-Above the Swallowtails-18x40"-oil on canvas-

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