Tomorrow is the lancaster Festival ArtWalk, and I'm excited (and nervous). The last of my pieces should be in place in the morning and everything looks ready to go. I'd like to thank everyone for the overwhelming support I've been, given, not only this show, but but my work over the years.
Spiecal thanks goes to the women of LolaLeigh. Therese Goeller and her daughter(and great friend) Leigh Dixon have been overly nice to me over the last several years. They let me display my oil stick portraits three years ago during the ArtWalk and their promotion of my Bugs and Blooms series has been nothing short of amazing. Their clothing and accessory lines for children are spectacular and more unique than anyone around. But, to take the Bugs and Blooms theme and adapt their store to coincide with my work shows the versatility and creativity that true art is all about. I'm sure I don't deserve such niceties, let alone all the fanfare and love they have given me on their Facebook page and in the shoppe. Thank you everyone at LolaLeigh. So make sure to come see me, my art and of course the lovely women of LolaLeigh and their
beautiful creations.